The First in Southeast Asia : JACQUELLE and Spy x Family ends this year with a festive announcement

Makeups beauty products


Spy x Family, one of the most popular anime series of this season, and Jacquelle, has announced a special collection launch.

Jacquelle is an indie beauty brand that is well known for their multitasking and sustainable product innovation in their home country, Indonesia.

The news was first announced at the event Top 10 Local Brand Founders of The Year Award hosted by Hypefast and Forbes Indonesia. “Jacquelle has been honored to be the first Indonesian beauty brand to collaborate with Disney, and with great pleasure, we announce that
Jacquelle is going to be the first in Southeast Asia to have a beauty product collection with Spy x Family.” said Budi Thomas, co-founder of Jacquelle.

Acquelle Spy X Family

This collection will incorporate the light hearted essence of the series, with a little bit of
unexpected charm.

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Adding up to the massive fan base of the series, the title of ‘limited edition’ carried by the
product has flamed the enthusiasm of anime and beauty fans around the world which is
represented by the locals on the offline launch that was happening on 24th December 2022.
To be expected from the fourth largest market in the world, the launch of the Jacquelle and Spy
x Family collection has resulted in a fun and festive finale to the season.

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