Combating Piracy

Please fill out the form herein, and read carefully the applicable regulations and provide link(s) to pirated merchandises/videos. Our legal authority will handle otherwise. However, due to the scale of piracy and lengthy duration required for handling by personnel. Please excuse us for the inconvenience as no further notice for subsequent handling will be sent to you. You may also report such piracy to the 2nd Special Police of the National Police Agency to expedite the handling! Thank you again!

Contact Name*

Contact Phone Number*

Contact e-mail*

Infringement (Tort) Type:
(Single Choice)

Report Information:

Before filling out this form, please read thoroughly the privacy policy and notifications required pursuant to Personal Data Protection Act of this website. If you have read, understood and acknowledged the above privacy policy and notifications required pursuant to Personal Data Protection Act and gives consent to the Company to perform collection, handling, and use in compliance with the above privacy policy and notifications required pursuant to Personal Data Protection Act, please tick “I agree.”


Mari Lihat Anime Baru Apa Saja yang Akan Dibawakan Muse pada Januari 2025 dan Naikkan Ekspektasimu!